Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Hi. My name is Pearl. I was accepted into Yankee Chihuahua Rescue on May 13, 2010. I had been living in the Lowell Shelter and I hated it. I had some people there that were pretty cool, but I didn't get to spend much time with them. Everyone says I was terribly stressed and they think I'm too thin. I agree! Feed the dog!! It wasn't that I wasn't fed, though. It's just that I was really nervous all the time and I think that uses up food.


These people came to get me. They fed me a hotdog, which was cool because I LOVE hotdogs. But I didn't really want to meet any more people. People just leave you. So I really didn't see why I should get to know any more of them. But these people decided that I should go for a car ride. They had a really nice crate for me with bunches of blankets! It was soft and lovely and so I cheerfully went into the travel crate and never made a sound the whole ride! I was HAPPY to leave the shelter! Maybe life will get better?

When I got to my foster home the first thing I had to do is meet dogs. Jeez! This place is already home to 5 other dogs of all sizes! It was kind of scary! But they were friendly dogs and understood when I wanted to be left alone. And these people seem to want to touch me. I don't know why I would want them to do that! So I backed away. They also expect me to pee in grass. Grass is this icky tickley green stuff and I don't like it. But I really had to go so I did. It sure seemed to make the lady happy.

Then life got a bunch better. These people seem to get it that I should be fed. I really LOVE FOOD!! So since these people deliver the food, I kind of guessed that they were pretty ok. I still don't really want to be touched.

Then we played the feed Pearl game. The feed Pearl game is awesome. One of the people says "Pearl" and I run over to that person and they give me a treat. Than someone else says "Pearl" and I run over to that person and they give me a treat. These people seem to get SO excited when I come over to them. They're pretty easily amused. All I have to do to make them happy is pee outside or come when they say "Pearl" and they are SO happy. Lame. Huh?


Then they all wanted to go outside. And these crazy people expect me to walk in GRASS! Ick! It's long and tickley and why would anyone choose to walk in that stuff. My foster family spends a lot of time outside throwing balls for all those dogs, so I guess grass is going to be part of my life. Oh well. The other dogs don't seem to mind the grass. In fact, Chester, (he's my little chihuahua foster brother) loves the stuff. He ROLLS in it. Gross, right? But sometimes I like to try to play with him. So I have to go in the grass for that.

I was pretty tired after all of this hubbub. This kid invited me to sit on the sofa with her. It was really nice. She started to pat me. And guess what? I REALLY LIKED IT!!! It was AWESOME! I got to spend all evening sleeping and getting patted. Things were really looking up!!


I slept in my nice cushy blankets in my crate. I was pretty tired. My foster mom was kind of surprised that I didn't cry at all. But what was there to cry about? My crate is really nice! And it's all mine!

I had a quiet day the next day and pretty much hung out with one of the kids. She's really nice and I like her. I will let her pick me up and she can pat me all she wants. I even will lick her hand.


The next day one of the girls took me for a walk around the neighborhood on a leash. It was really cool. I got to meet lots of people and I decided that I like meeting people. I talked to some little kids. I got to walk on pavement instead of that infernal grass. Life is good.

I also got to go to the pet store and look at toys. I don't care about toys. I don't really know what they're for. But Chester seems to like them, so whatever. I did get to meet more people. People are pretty nice. I learned that I can wag my tail. It's fun.

The next day my foster mom spent some time with me. She's really neat. She seems to understand me and I really want to spend more time with her. I feel like crying when she leaves me. She's Chester's mommy. Chester gets to have training time and I got to go to do training time too. She gave me treats when I sit down! It's so cool that these people are so easily amused!

Yesterday I got to "sit in the line-up". It's when all the dogs sit in a row and get treats. It's wicked easy and fun. I sat next to Leo. He's like 10 times bigger than me and he likes to play. But even he sat still for treats so I did too, although I would rather walk on my back legs for treats. These people seem to be happier when I sit though. So fine. I'll do it.

By the end of the 4th day, I was really thinking that things are going my way. I have lots of new friends. I can't wait to find the people that will keep me forever. I'm kind of tired of moving around. But for now, this place will do just fine.

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